Why you need a PR and marketing plan

Occasionally I am approached for help by organisations as a last resort.The conversations always follow the same pattern. Firstly, I discover that they have a great service and then little by little, they reveal how they have spent thousands on anything from advertising and social media to leaflets and promotions and that ‘nothing has worked’. 

One of the major factors that usually contributes to the business being in this desperate situation is the lack of a PR plan.

Why PR is not a quick fix

PR is not a quick fix - it is a long term investment so you need a plan. The plan should state precise communications objectives that will help you to achieve the aims of your business plan. 

A professionally produced plan will be informed by research of the environment within which you are working. This will help to shape key messages (what makes you better) and define your target audience (who needs/wants your service). 

Armed with this information, a plan can be designed that shows how the key messages will be delivered to the target audience and when. 

Benefits of a PR and communications plan

There are many advantages to having a PR and communications plan, which include financial benefits. By planning ahead, you can spread the cost of your marketing and avoid unplanned expenditure on expensive options that may or may not work. 

I know for a fact that had the business owners I’ve been approached by had a PR plan, they would have saved themselves thousands of pounds and our conversation may well have been about how to celebrate their success rather than the imminent closure of their business.

Next steps

We write PR and marketing strategies that work for charities, schools and not for profit organisations. Contact us if you would like to know more.