Taking a strategic approach to your social media has many advantages including:
Here’s how we recommend that you get the most from the time you spend on social media.
Stage 1 - Research
Start by looking at what you are doing now and make an informed decision about what’s working and what’s not.
Carry out an audit to understand your:
Audience analysis
For every social media channel you are using, answer the following questions:
Content analysis
For each channel where you are active:
Competitor analysis
Check out your competitors on social media.
Don’t just limit this exercise to competitors. Look at aspirational brands and observe what they do that works well and decide whether you could apply it to your social media.
Based on the findings of your audience analysis, content analysis and competitor analysis, consider stopping activity on underperforming accounts or shift resources to better reach your target audience.
Stage 2 – Set your social media objectives
Your social media does not operate in isolation, every action should be contributing towards achieving your overall organisational goals. To give your social media purpose, set yourself some social media objectives so that every action you take will move you closer to your goal.
Stage 3 – Decide upon your voice
Be sure that your social media voice is consistent with your branding. For example, if you usually adopt a serious, authoritative voice when communicating via your website or marketing collateral, then this is the voice you should use on social media. You are aiming to project one consistent business voice.
To decide your social media voice, consider the following:
Character – do you want to be:
Tone – how do you want to sound:
Language – how will you speak:
Stage 4 – Choose your channel
Based on your research, you are now in a good place to make an informed decision about the channel(s) where you should be concentrating your efforts to meet your target audiences. If you are not sure, take a look at our guide to popular social media channels.
Stage 5 – Make good use of your time
It’s possible to waste a huge amount of time on social media so put together a content plan to ensure that every post or comment helps you to achieve your objectives.
As a rule of thumb, aim for 60% curated content ie sharing other people’s relevant posts and 40% created ie your blogs, news stories, videos, visuals, infographics etc.
Finally, if you are not already doing so, sign up for a basic Hootsuite account.
The benefits of Hootsuite are that: